Feng Shui - Yin and Yang

  • Leader
    April 2, 2023 9:41 AM PDT

    In a former post, we mentioned that Chi is made of Yin (female) and Yang (male) elements. These opposing, but complimentary, forces are interconnected, you can't have one without the other. The goal is to achieve a balance of the two. Yin is represented by darker colors, and the moon is represented here. Producing energy that is soft, passive, quiet, and diffused. Yang is represented by bright colors, with the sun being represented. Producing energy that is powerful, energized, active, and warm. You'll want your bedroom and meditation areas to be Yin.

    More active areas such as the living room, kitchen, workspace or exercise areas should be more Yang.

    Hope this helps. :)

  • Member
    April 2, 2023 7:52 PM PDT
    When you look at color this way and how the dynamics of color affects you, it makes sense to design your rooms based on balancing Yin and Yang along with considering the purpose of the room.

    Both rooms represent their purpose. The bedroom is soft lighting appropriate for sleeping and the living area is bright yet unassuming and very cozy.

    Love how I can bring a better balance in my home through these principles. Thank you so much!